Can we talk about teenagers? Just for a hot second?
Here’s some information on me:
AF Brat. Went to 7 schools starting from Kindergarten to Senior. I now have the most amazing friends EVER!!! Father, as you know, was super protective: guns shown (actual shotguns), insults made (go home and take a shower), bouncer like at the front door, etc. I had a car at 16 which was a present from Deutschland (1973 convertible super beetle—Tabitha). I learned how to drive her in Shippensburg, PA. My first job was when I was 17. At the Log Cabin on Bailey’s Island in Maine, when I was living in an efficiency apartment with my dad. I was a dishwasher (and a full blown vegetarian) working in a fish restaurant. I REEKED of fish when I came home. after a few months I got “promoted” to server…and then that duchebag complained about me “forcing my views on him”…so back to dishwasher and prep-cook (err’one LOVES peeling those intestinal tracks from the shramps!!!). Then on to working at McDonald’s where I got to use the card of “tell me who your Commanding Officer (CO) is” time and time again. And trying to get through Senior year in a school where on the first day some dude said, “Jesus, you must be so hot in those clothes!”. I didn’t realize that Bath, ME was just the same as Shippensburg, PA. Here’s your gershdern frenchfries jerk face. Then…Porches. Brunswick Maine.
Because at 18 (which I could not WAIT for), I moved out of the house that was loving and caring and meant the word to me, but I needed to “rebel”. So I did. And lost RSDI. And lost EVERY scholarship I gained with that 3.8 (almost kicked out, almost didn’t graduate, said f’you to all the free monies). I didn’t ask for anything from them. I got sick. And thought Menthol cigarettes would heal me. My rat died because the garage we were living wasn’t warm enough. My favorite cat (vampire reference, blah blah BLAH) ran away……..and I should have followed him into the woods.
Become me. BA in Architecture, living alone, making shit happen. Because…No one wants to disappoint their parents(?). Because you never want to disappoint yourself. EVER. And at 18 I was making my way to $65,000/yr by placing stickers on CDs and tapes and an efficient manner! …I had no idea.
That’s all you need to know about me.
Here’s the other story:
18. Didn't graduate because there was “too much pressure” from outside forces. Got kicked out of one home. Choices of….shelter……..or Panda’s home. Haven't met the dog, so everything should be ohhhhhhkay! I gave you a room and space to store your clothes (and a dog bite). And towels. And said it was okay to “vape” OUTSIDE my house, even though you said you were 18 and you could do WHAT YOU WANT!! I gave you everything and turned a blind eye. You don’t have a job. You don’t have any groceries (stop eating our food!!!). You’re almost out of toiletries, and then there are the rules that were explained to you before you randomly moved into my guest room.
So here are the rules again:
You will make your bed.
You will buy your own groceries. (ADDENDUM: stop eating our food!!!!!!!!)
You will do your own dishes.
You will wash your sheets every week.
You will do your own laundry.
Don’t touch my shit. Ever.
Lock the doors when you leave.
And here’s my question. Should I have been a part of this decision? Should someone have sat down with me and said, “I know you never wanted kids, and there was a time that you wanted to foster a 15 yr. old boy, but is this what you really want….right now………..right. now…..Now.
And I’m alone tonight with Chris Isaak Pandora and writing stuff, so it seems ok right now. Maybe. If you eat ANY of my cheese sticks, Imma punch you in the throat neck. SRSLY. You’ve already gotten after my mayonnaise………..Girl got trained by mom who was possibly…nothing (tra-la-la)!!!!!!!!!
I see you. Get a job. Live. Life. NOW!!!!!!