Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Woke up in Lansdale, Pennsylvania with Karen and Kathi around 11 am…we somehow stayed awake until 3 am that mornin’.  WHA??!  Karen made us an AMAZING breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheese, homefries, and banana bread (like actual bread, not the cake bread stuff) and it was DELICIOUS!  (Eat).  We decided to go shopping at this mall like area that’s set up like it’s own town which was weird…we also discovered that the folk who have cash monies shop here and they all dress so very badly.  Sweat pants and baggy t-shirt??!  Really lady?  Put yer pants on!  Sheesh!  Karen’s mum and dad dropped off Loren (Karen’s daughter, who’s frackin’ amazing) and I got my Loren crush of the day!!  YAY!!  I somehow managed to talk her into giving me her aqua braid hairclip thing for the day which was aweshum since we then matched!  Ah, the small things in life that make me so very happy!!  Dinner?  YAY!  Molly Maguire’s Irish Pub where I had the BEST gosh-darn veggie burger I’ve ever had.  EVER!!!    After we got back to Karen’s house Loren and I hooped in the backyard together!  K, so I’m 36 and Loren, who’s 8(?) has now adopted me as her best friend.  How does this happen??  We all then went and played Wii So You Think You Can Dance…ummmmmm…yea.  I can dance, right?  Pretty well.  Yea?  Why the hell was I sweatin’ my toosh off after just one song??!!  And what the heck are these dance moves that I’m supposed to be doing to get points??!!  AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!  Loren beat me 2 outta 3 times.  (snarf)  Yea she did.  I ain’t evah playin’ that stupid game again!  Tsssssssssssss.
Kathi and I take off…well, I say take off but it was rather a slow creep in Jezebel…headed towards Shippensburg.  (heart)  Now, I haven’t been to Shippensburg since 1992 (that’s when I left there to come to Maine) and wow…not much has changed, ‘cept they gots themselves a Wal-Mahts now. 

10:00 pm:
Arrive in Shippensburg, PA, get out of Jezebel, grab my stuff, and head into Kathi’s home.  Kathi let me know that I could sleep on Remy’s bed, which is her dog, which, yea…I was trying to figure out how I was going to share a dog bed with a dog…and why Kathi was offering said bed to me…(pout).  OH!  It’s a daybed!  Remy just jumps up on it and has claimed it for her own!  AAAHHHHHH!!  Ok, then.  I meet her roommate Andrew and his dog Rocky (who I am still plotting to steal from him), head back out to the van to get my bottle of wine, walk around the front of the house to see what it looks like and BAM!  Townie honk.  REALLY??!!  I haven’t even been here for more than 15 minutes.  GAH!  That should have given me the clue though…

10:30 pm:
Drinks on Kathi’s patio with Andrew until 1am(ish).  And yes, it’s warm enough there to do that and not have to go in and grab a sweatshirt.  (heart).

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