Wow, I just slept so soundly!!! Heading back to the coast (ehem) that place I shouldn’t have left yesterday…
Heading towards Fort Bragg on crazy switchback roads! And as I am cruising along entering Fort Bragg , I notice a sign: Willits. So I’m pretty sure I looked it up before and I totally thought it was further up the coast, but hey? What kind of schedule do I have??! None, except to be in Portland , Oregon around the 3rd of July and back home end of July! So, I text Jessica and say “HEY! Your sister! She works in Willits!!! AH! I’m almost there!!!!” Melissa is Jessica’s sister. We’ve never met (um…Melissa and I…I DO know Jessica!). Melissa works at an animal sanctuary…which if you know me is VERY dangerous for me!! Why? Because if I’m not careful, I will leave with 6 dogs, 2 horses, some goats, and maybe a hyena if they have one hangin’ aboot!
Melissa calls me and lets me know that she has to run an errand but that she’ll meet me in town, then I can follow her to the sanctuary (Milo Foundation). And Amber’s nervous. Yea, she does get nervous sometimes which is weird and feels foreign, but she’s an Air Force brat and can get through anything, so let’s do this!…she’s mostly nervous about making Melissa feel uncomfortable (which Amber can do very easily if you’re not used to her)!
I pull into the Safeway (!!!! SAFEWAY !!!!!) parking lot, head in to get a coffee (they gots a Starbucks inside) and immediately get stopped by two young girls who NEED to explain to me how much they love my hair! (heart) While I’m waiting for my drink FOUR people say hi to me!! Oh, Willits, I love you already!
Out in my car (another tailgate party with coffee and maps) and I notice out of the corner of my eye a jacked up truck. Mmmmmmmmm…truck…I look down at my map, look up again and see two guys walking by. I smile. Not the AMBER smile, but just a friendly smile, smile like a normal person…yea, it feels weird when I do that! This is what happens:
Dude: Hi!
Me: Hi!
Dude: Hi!
Me: HI!! (followed by an Amber smile and an Amber out loud laugh)
Dude: Why are you so angry?
Me: (speechless………wha? Wha happened????)
They walk on; I sit there confused and sad.
½ hour passes and the local drunk brothers arrive in the parking lot to gather more booze from Safeway. They talk to the poor girl collecting shopping carts telling her that it’s only gonna get worse with the blah blah blah that is happening and that she should be prepared…
Then I look around…and see that I am SURROUNDED by jacked up trucks!! What, did someone send a memo out and let everyone in town know that I was there and that they should go to Safeway and park all around me??!! GAH! GIMMIE!!!!!
Melissa calls and lets me know she’s in town but that she needs to go to Safeway! Perfect! Imma here! And she plots to creep up on me in the large green van with Milo Foundation printed on the sign. I will try my best to be surprised by your creepin’ on up!!! OH! And ya’ did it! How did you creep up on me in that??!!! AH! And then I get homesick because Melissa sounds just like Jessica and she has the same laugh and when I see her…well, she looks just like her too only in a trucker cap, military shirt, I get dirty sort of way. Basically the exact opposite of Jessica but just as amazing.
We go in and I help her get some corn and beer.
I told her I could visit the sanctuary the next day since it was late and I didn’t want to keep her, but she lives there and she offered me the couch…how could I refuse???
The road to the Milo Foundation is crazy! And for the second time on my trip, I wish I had my Jeep, but Leeloo and I made it all safe and sound!
And now I get to meet Lynn (the boss lady) and Alex and Mark and the “catman”…I can’t seem to ever remember his name…whoop! They grill up the corn and some burgers and we have beer and whiskey and we talk ALLLLLL night!!! Alex and Lynn went to bed earlier, so it was Mark, Melissa, and I and let me tell ya’, I haven’t had that much fun with two other people in a long time! I (hearts) them soooooooo much!
“I have an idea!!!!!” while stumbling out off the sliding glass door. That was Mark by the way and it wasn’t his idea…it was Melissa’s, he’s crazy!
They then threatened to slash my tires to keep me there. What is it with people trying to slash my tires to keep me with them??!! C’on now! Leave Leeloo out of it!
2:00 am:
Bed and snuggled by two dogs alllll night on a couch—love—
Oh, and there are like 20 dogs living in the house along with maybe 5 or more cats! Those are the ones that are not available for adoption…the 140 out there in the yard, those are the ones you should adopt. Please. Ok! GO!
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