Friday, July 22, 2011


YES!!  Puppy!  GO!
First stop?  Petco to get stuffs for the new dawgie!!!!  Then?  Because we’re early?  We sit in the park and look at books and take the tags off of the new dawg swag!  YAY!

High noon:
And we’re here as is the girl from yesterday (sigh)…oh!  But she’s really nice to us today.  Is it because we look prepared with the leash and collar and easy halter thingy??  Hmmmmm…There are two Great Danes trying to get to know each other in the main area and WOW!  They are BIG!!!  HUGE!!!!!!!  I wants one please.  Thanks!  And Blu is there all quiet and looking pitiful, so Rita puts the leash on him and we take him outside.  Getting him in the car was a wee bit difficult since it is my theory that Blu is practicing his passive stance for the next sit-in.  He’s VERY good at it…getting’ all low and using his body weight to make it so he’s crazy heavy and awkward to pick up!  And…he’s in!  (car door closing scared the ba-jesus outta him though…).  Blu hasn’t ever been in a car I don’t think so he doesn’t understand that he needs to shift his weight and use the back of the seat as a base…what he did figure out is that if he gets on the floor of the backseat, he can then rest his head in the crook of my arm and then he is a-ok!!  YAY!

Walking the dog and the dog and stuffs then dinner at Pambiche, which is Cuban food.  They have a separate full menu for vegetarian/vegan/gluten free meals.  DELICIOUS! 

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