Oh gosh…up! Ugh! UP! UP! UP! 10:30am…is there coffee here??? Please?? OH! YAY!!!!!! And I don’t wanna know how this mug was “wershed”, nope.
So today? Ryan’s at work and I’m in the Cabin soooooooo…let’s go do some laundry shall we? ‘Cause, damn girl (cue: All American Rejects) youza gots stinky in the last week!!! And ready! Loadin’ up the washer annddd…BAH! Out of detergent??!! Aw, man! And the machine is broken! WHA??! Who has a broken soap machine at a laundry mat??! Oh, but wait! There’s this dude who just walked in with a big ol’ box of detergent. The real kind too, not the hippie stuffs that Amber uses! Annnnnnnnnnnnd…go, Unicorn! May I? Yes, please? I did offer him cash for it, but he wasn’t haven’ none o’ that! So. I’m here in the laundry mat getting’ my clothes all clean and I actually contemplate crawling into one of the machines in order to clean myself. Obviously that won’t work because I’m too big and may possibly drown after hitting my head, but still…it’s real tempting.
Laundry done! And you know what’s fun to do? Well, most people after they’re laundry is done and folded just put it in their basket/bag and take it home. Amber? Well, she’s got ta’ put it in her closet which is her car which gets rather weird if there’s a busy gas station in back of you and you have to put your (ehem) stuffs into the plastic bin…and not just all willy-nilly, but actually organized and folded and rolled and stuff. Luckily it didn’t have to be color coordinated!!! GAH!!!
Off to Starbucks to get some real coffee! Blog writing on the tailgate of the parking lot and a thought occurs to me. Obviously, running water is scarce in Fairbanks , so there must be somewhere I can take a shower? Maybe??? So I look up hostels thinking I can just charm my way into a shower…then I go out on a limb and look up “showers in Fairbanks ”. Oh internets. You and the www impress me every time!!! Yes. Other people have had this issue and yes there are public showers in Fairbanks !!!! At the laundromats!!!!! Of course, I pick the one Laundromat that DOESN’T have a shower. Tsssssssssssss. Drivin’ now. And I’m getting the lay of the land so I don’t need my phone map thingy as much after 1 day. Hmmmmmmmmm.
B&C Laundromat! Almost right across from the Marlin!!! YAY! Of course I go in first to make sure and ask her all the questions…how long, how much, is soap included? 15 minutes--!!!!! WHOA!! That’s long!!! $4.50!! Awesome!! No it’s extra…that’s ok, I got my own stuff!
It was the MOST AMAZING SHOWER ever. Yes. And no, I did not contract any sort of weird disease or foot fungus thing from it (thank goodness!!).
Clean! Brush my hair out in the parking lot then stroll over to the coffee shop to get (yea) another coffee and write in my blog again! This is where I met Patrick. He has a ton of old school tattoos. Like Black Flag and Misfits and Exploited and such. For some reason he needed to sit and talk with me. He’s learning how to tattoo and his friend is about to pick him up so he can practice on him…oh. And now we’re gonna look through your gajillion photos on your camera so you can show me all your work…oh…whoop…you don’t have your shirt on in that one. Awwww…tricky!!! Don’t get me wrong. This dude was super nice and obviously had been through some massive turmoil in his life like his neo-nazi tattoos that he had covered up because well it’s just sickening, Amber, how I was back then, but I’m ok now. I love all humans. Good for you Patrick! You went from dirty nazi punk to crazy friendly smiley punk in his 40’s. I heart you. I hope you’re still ok. He told me he was “better now”…after he realized that plotting to kill his ex’s boyfriend wasn’t such a good idea…Yea. That’s who I sat with for 1 ½ hours and who I said no to when he asked me if I wanted to go out to lunch with him the next day. Well, he gave me his phone number anyway because “I have the heart of an angel.” Ok. Byyyyeeeeeeeee!!! (waves enthusiastically)
8:30 pm:
Boatel, which is a bar in Fairbanks , with Mallory and Ryan! YAY! Mallory works in the hospital and lemme’ tell ya’, she’s got some stories! There is one about a woman who had some pain and they found out that she had…well, if you want the story let me know. It basically involves a potato and a human area that should not hold a potato for oh say 2 months…there is also the story of the grotesquely overweight dude who had some side pain. They had to surgically remove his remote control from his fat rolls. Yea. Ew.
I got to meet Anna this night too! She’s a trained massage therapist and when I jokingly said, ok. Gimmie, she wouldn’t let me say no. And wow. My shoulders carry a whole lot of stress and tension and all sorts of other stuffs. It hurt. YOUCH! I went in to the bar to get her a thank you drink since she wouldn’t let me pay her…unfortunately that fell through since Coop (some great big dude at the bar) decided to buy us both drinks!! Coop got a hug (he’s big) and Anna gave him a lil’ massage…HIS shoulders hold WAY more tension than mine! HA! Of course then after about 15 minutes the bartender came out with drink tokens for us…one more round from Coop. WHOA! Thanks buddy!! Um……..BYE!!! [waves enthusiastically again].
Pile Ryan and Anna into Leeloo. Remember, I sleep in this car, so both backseats are up. The passenger has a nice comfy seat sittin’ on ma’ pants. YAY! We ended up at a bar in the woods where you can pay $6 for a burger and then cook it yourself!! WOW!!! Ryan done got fed! Phew! Anna played the guitar on the porch while we sat around and drank and talked…and then it got cold…and then we were all tuckered out!
2:00 am:
Drove Anna home. L I miss her. Drove Ryan and I to the Cabin. SLEEEEEEEEEP!! Please!! OH MA’ GAWD! It’s still light out!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!! [Alaskan Amber]
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