Thursday, March 28, 2013


A bit of the soul:
I watch humans a lot and analyze how they interact with each other.  Here’s some thoughts:

Alcohol releases your demons, whether good or bad, and we all know this.  Wait.  Can demons be good?  Hmmmmmm…well anyway!!

Side note:
I once asked a friend of mine why everyone I hang out with insists on drinking around me.  And this is true.  I feel like no one can actually have a conversation with me unless they are on the booze.  But why??!!  I’m not scary.  I can talk with you when I’m stone cold sober, so why do you insist on being drunk around me?  His response?  “It’s because you drink all the time and it’s normal for people to feel like they need to drink around you.”  Ok.  So let’s get one thing straight.  I do drink, but I am NEVER drunk.  I drive home err’night and I make sure that I am capable of doing so.  If you’ve ever hung out with me into the wee hours of the night, you know that at SOME point I’m going to switch over to cranberry and ginger ale…and that’s after I’ve had 2 whiskeys and a beer.  I need to stay in control.  It’s in my nature.  And yes, sometimes I slip, so that “never” statement isn’t entirely true, but 99% of the time it is.  So, try it sometime.  Hang out with me without gettin’ fall down drunk, you might be pleasantly surprised or sorely disappointed…either way, you’ll remember.

And this is what I’ve seen in others.  There is that point in time when two people are chatting and having a good time and then…?  BAM!  Instead of having intense eye contact during the conversation, they have the sway eye.  Do you even know what the other person is talking about?!!  Are you just thinking about getting in their pants now?  Does this person even have anything in common with you?  Will you be able to look them in the eye tomorrow, next week, or a month from now?  Are you forcing something called a “relationship” on what really is just carnal instinct?  …and no, Imma not gonna go into the “instinct” hypothesis of humans.  Nope.  Are you lonely and hope that this person will fill the void that you yourself have created within you??!!  Why can’t you hold that person’s hand as a friend when you’re not drunk?  Why can’t you hug like that when you’re sober?  Why are you scared of human contact and can only seek it out after you have recalibrated your brain with liquor?  Why can’t you say those things to that person before you’ve had three beers?  Dear humans, WHY ARE YOU SO FRIGHTENED??!!  Yes, we all need physical contact and we KNOW this, so put down your drank and start admitting it to yourself.  You’re ok!!!  You can still hold that person in the night without first trying to break down all of your barriers with booze…and if you can’t then you need to start trying to love yourself first. [CRRRRRUUUUUUUUSH]!!!

1 comment:

  1. I concur completely. Well said gypsy mama. So, when are you going to write about this so called human "instinct" we hear so much about ? Hunhmmm?? Waiting !! Dirgbby flergbert. !
