Friday, July 22, 2011


Blog again!  WOW!  And then for a break?  We go shopping at Red Fox Vintage with is co-owned by Betsy and Erin (who were at the BBQ salmon fest we had!).  Their shop is also super amazing and yes, I bought stuff…I’m not supposed to, but come on!  Cute dress??!!  Gimmie!

Friday night, so we have some evening drinks and I cut Rita’s hair!!!!!  WHEEEEEEE!!!  And she’s like this big on me so it’s really easy to get the top of her head.  She asked me if I needed her to sit down.  (snarf)  HA!  I done did a great job on it!  Even though my scissors were dull and I may have poked her in the head a few times with the new sharper scissors that she had me trade out for.  But hey!  She wanted the punk rock hair doooooooo, so a bit off pain is necessary, right?  Yea.

And we go out AGAIN!  To the Liberty Glass again with Erin this time and Corey, who used to live in Maine!  YAY!  Connect.  Everybody.  GO!

10:00 pm:
Sleepy time early tonight…


Wrote in my blog almost all day today…Rita’s still at work (at home).  Her proposal is due on Friday!  Ieeeeeeeeeee!!  And because Rita has been feeding me so much my belly is all like, HEY!  Feeeeeeed me!  AGAIN!  GO!  And AGAIN!  So today?  I had TWO lunches.  Yea.  I did that.  Of course at this point, I have lost all that I gained in Portland.  DOH!

Super quiet day ending with wine on the patio.  (sigh) that was nice.


Rita’s workin’ again so I guess I’ll just play in her garden alllllll day!  Move the compost barrels, weed, water, get stabbed by the Yucca in the head and arm, rake, water the new patio and fill in the holes.  Perfect.  Thank you.  Garden in my hands makes Amber a super happy lady!!  (hearts-ings)!  And that’s what I did.  All day.  Yea.  Dreamy.  At 2:30 Rita realized she was hungry, so we went and gots us some PIZZA!  Mmmmm!

3:30 pm:
Chores complete (I’m also in charge of the dishwasher!), body fed, time to read on the patio!

7:15 pm:
Date night at the Liberty Glass with the lovely Kalaisha and Hilary who is from Portsmouth, NH! 
First, I met Kalaisha at her shop “Flutter” to check it out (it’s AWESHUM).  I also met the infamous Nate Dawg on the street where he tried to smooooooooth talk me into hanging out with him and talking…it worked for a moment until I realized that he totally Jedi’d me!  BAH! Then we went to her house to change and consolidate into one automobile.
And tonight it was amazing.  Just three ladies being all sarcastic to each other and talking shit about nothing all North Eastern style.  Real people.  Real talk.  No crap, no masks, no bs.  Just us being amazing and laughing loudly and making fun of each other.  Perfect.  And yes, I did offer to get Hilary a lemon for her PBR and shove it in for her to which she responded “F’ off”, to which I almost started crying at because when you leave your loved ones and someone you don’t even know feels absolutely comfortable with telling you off (in a loving way, of course) you just get gersh dern emotional. 
Oh and we plotted to take a day trip to the Enchanted Forest!!!!!!!! 
Liberty Glass also has the most amazing tomato soup I have EVER had in my entire life!!!  Really.  You should just go to Portland Oregon for the tomato soup!  DO IT!!!!  GO!

12:30 am:
Home!  Sleep..oh and Rita is STILL up and working…and stays up until 2 am!  WHA??!



Rita has to work on a HUGE proposal, so I’m basically on my own now until she’s done.  I have to go to the Post Office and send off the gajillion pieces of paperwork that is necessary for me to get my license plates.  Wanna know how I got to the Post Office?  Yea?  On ma’ bike!!!!  WHHHEEEEEEEE!!  All by myself!!!  The cool part about Portland is that they have stop lights just for bike!  Whoa!  I know, right?! 

Today Rita gets a break from working and can go with me to Pix Patisserie to meet the amazing Kalaisha!!!!!!!!  OMG!!!!!!!  Oh, and Honey (her wee lil’ dog).  Coffee and small lunches.  All of us together.  Meeting new people and bringing them, BOOM!  Into contact.  That’s my favorite! 

And now Rita’s back to work, so I play in the garden for a bit and read and just be lazy.  That’s real nice!

7:00 pm:
Dinner!  And for the first time in my life, I now am able to make real tacos!  YAYYYYY!!!!  I will totally make them for you when I get back.  They are AMAZING!  I know all the secrets…I can’t tell you though, because that would mean…yep.  I would have to kill you and EAT your portion of the tacos!  HA!  Hmmmmmmmmm….

10:00 pm:
Sleep.  With bears.


Today we went down to the bike shop that Rita’s neighbor owns and got the loaner bike for me to use while I’m here!  YAY!
Hung out all day with the pup and Rita…just relaxed, yo’! 
6:00 pm:
Plans for the evening:
Bike ride down to the waterfront (it’s a 7 mile ride there and back…downhill to get there…uphill to get back), eat strawberries and mascaponi cheese, watch fireworks!

And it’s PACKED!  I think all of Portland was at the waterfront to watch the fireworks.  They are also having a Blues Festival which makes it even more crowded.  We lock up our bikes, find a seat on the grass and break out the strawberries and cheesy goodness!  Mmmmmmmmmm!!  These are local strawberries too, so they basically disintegrate in your hand with juicy amazingness before you even get it to your mouth. 
While sitting on the lawn, Amber is “attacked” by small boy who decided to stand in back of her and spit.  Really?  Control your kid guys!  Oh…and we control him by continuously yelling at him.  Yep.  That’s gonna work.  Now he’s running down to the boardwalk and hiding from you within the throngs of humans…and you don’t even know!  Well it’s a good thing I was keeping track of him, huh?  Tsssssss. 
Two young kids (well, maybe in their early 20’s) seat themselves to the right of us in a little further down the hill and proceed to…um…light up…not cigarettes…huh. Weird.  Yea, I guess it’s ok to do that in Portland Oregon.  I pretty sure that the chick was on heroin or something crazy since, well she was all slow motion and staring and when she got up to adjust how she was sitting it looked as if she had peed her pants.  EW!  So, needless to say, we did not go out of our way to make friends with them.  They did have a lot of visitors throughout the 4 hours who came and went after enjoying their “company” for brief moments. 

10:30 pm:
Fireworks are over and all of the families have somehow disappeared leaving Rita and I surrounded by hoodlums and crazy people setting off their own fireworks!  AH!  Rita needs to use the water closet and did you know that Portland OR has public ones outside on the street???!!  They’re all futuristic looking with blue lighting…I took a picture…making sure I didn’t get anyone who was going in or coming out in the shot.  Promise!! 

11:00 pm:
Back at home and the ride uphill weren’t so bad!  I guess it helps if you’re on a 6 speed, huh and not on your Grandmother’s old Schwin! 
Sleepy time…and I think I got a contact high from all the pot, since when the fireworks started EVERYBODY lit up!  BAH!


YES!!  Puppy!  GO!
First stop?  Petco to get stuffs for the new dawgie!!!!  Then?  Because we’re early?  We sit in the park and look at books and take the tags off of the new dawg swag!  YAY!

High noon:
And we’re here as is the girl from yesterday (sigh)…oh!  But she’s really nice to us today.  Is it because we look prepared with the leash and collar and easy halter thingy??  Hmmmmm…There are two Great Danes trying to get to know each other in the main area and WOW!  They are BIG!!!  HUGE!!!!!!!  I wants one please.  Thanks!  And Blu is there all quiet and looking pitiful, so Rita puts the leash on him and we take him outside.  Getting him in the car was a wee bit difficult since it is my theory that Blu is practicing his passive stance for the next sit-in.  He’s VERY good at it…getting’ all low and using his body weight to make it so he’s crazy heavy and awkward to pick up!  And…he’s in!  (car door closing scared the ba-jesus outta him though…).  Blu hasn’t ever been in a car I don’t think so he doesn’t understand that he needs to shift his weight and use the back of the seat as a base…what he did figure out is that if he gets on the floor of the backseat, he can then rest his head in the crook of my arm and then he is a-ok!!  YAY!

Walking the dog and the dog and stuffs then dinner at Pambiche, which is Cuban food.  They have a separate full menu for vegetarian/vegan/gluten free meals.  DELICIOUS!