Thursday, July 7, 2011


UP!  Melissa has to work today and Imma gonna help!  We have to feed a bunch of dogs that are scattered on the hill in the woods and to get there?  You drive in what is called a “Mule” which is a fancy covered four wheeler!  Whhhheeeeeeeee!!!  We also have to feed the 3 mules (real ones) and a horse.  The mules were found dumped in the JC Penny parking lot…yea…humans are awesome. 
I’m the official poo bucket handler!  I’m good at it!  HA!  There’s not much I can do since I don’t know the dogs very well and they don’t know me.  We don’t want any incidents up on the hill!!  It’s awesome though and Melissa is AMAZING with the animals.  I think she may be a dog whisperer!  They all adore her so much!!
At one point while driving the Mule we may have hit a branch?  We don’t really know what happened, but Melissa was in the pen with 3 dogs, I was grabbing the bucket for her and I looked up because I thought I heard some wind…instead?  Instead it was a HUGE swarm of bees and they were MAD!!!!  Neither of us remembers hitting a tree branch, but maybe we grazed it a bit and disturbed them.  I have never seen a swarm of bees that big and it was spectacular to witness…also a wee bit scary.  The type of scary where you find yourself holding your breath and hoping that the bees don’t sense your amazement and utter fear that they will attack and sting your eyeballs!!!
We made it back all safe and sound.  Dogs fed and watered, poop picked up, cuddles given, hairs brushed.  I have a feeling I’m not going to leave this place.
We did find a dead baby skunk.  L  Skunks are Melissa favorite, so it was kind of hard. 

4:30 pm:
Back to the house and I make myself some mac & cheese with a whole can of peas mixed in!  HA!  And I just wrote “pees”…luckily I corrected that, ‘cause GROSS!  Some wine to go with the mac & cheese and to bed by 10:00 pm.

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