Monday, October 1, 2012


Headed out of Portland, ME.  Destination:  Rhode Island (to visit Barbara’s mum).
Amazingly enough, we had NO issues leaving, driving, or arriving!!  Unlike my last trip where err’thang that could go wrong did go wrong, this one was so easy!  WHA??!!  Arrived in RI, [CRUSHED] mom, then headed out to investigate what was once Rhode Island’s Enchanted Forest!!!

If you know anything about me, you’ll understand my huge obsession with abandoned buildings/theme parks and having your best friend there with you to tell you what she did there as a child made it so much more amazing!  Everything is overgrown and dilapidated now.  Windows are boarded up, chairs are communing with the ground entwined in weeds, walls are spray painted on, and there were no signs of the characters that once graced this fantasyland.  We walked the path that once many families walked…once we found it…and peered into structures that had become many teen boys’ hideaway. 

Then…on our way out, Barb needed to climb the sign structure and sit by Humpty Dumpty as she had as a child.  Granted, back then there were ladders to climb up, but we’re adults now, right?  We don’t need no stupid ladders!  She got up and tried to get over to Humpty, but…uhmmmm…well let’s just say the Enchanted Forest has been abandoned for YEARS and the integrity of the sign was less than adequate.  HA! 
Have you ever climbed a tree all the way to the top, then climbed back down, but on the last branch you look down and think, “AH MA’ GAWD!  That’s like 20’ between this branch and the ground!!  How did I get up here???!!  If I jump, I’m totally gonna die or sprain something or smash on my face!!!  Maybe I’ll just try and drop while hanging on here…wait…no!  That’s not working EITHER!!  CRAP!!  CRAP!!  I’M STUCK IN THIS TREE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!  AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!” and then you get up the courage to just jump and deal with the consequences and when you land you’re all like, “hmmmmm…I hope no one saw that whole ordeal…” since it was only 3 feet from your feet to the ground…picture that.  Also, picture Amber holding in her laughter until her best friend lands and giggles about it!!  Consequently, I had a hurt belly from laughing and tears running down my face…but not until AFTER Barb was safely on the ground!  Promise! 

Back to town to pick up supplies at the local Big Lots!  Mmmmmmm…Palak Paneer!!  Also.  Mascara.  Then back to mom’s house for some drinks and talking.  Our sleeping quarters tonight will be the back porch in the screened in gazebo in our sleeping bags.  And this is when we begin to rate our sleeping situations.  ;)

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